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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Civ 5 garbled text

Civ 5 was recently released.

Both laptops I tried installing it on had trouble with garbled text, when run against DirectX 9 (Can't run 10 or 11 on XP).  Based on others' posts in forums, it is related to having a Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family video card and driver.  And with Windows 7 with DirectX 11, for me it still is faster to run in as DirectX 9.

Well, first, just to get the game not to crash, I had to go to Dell and download the latest driver.  Then it didn't crash, but the text was garbled.
I also tried downloading the latest from Intel that was newer than Dell's, but that didn't help.

I took a workaround posted on a forum:  Many thanks to CockedAndLoaded for half of this workaround!

I took that one step further and basically forced uppercase which took out the garbled lowercase letters and looks a lot nicer.  Note, this is a temporary workaround until Civ 5 is patched, someday, theoretically.

 Some related forum posts:
If you want to further tweak the letters, here is what you can do:
  • Open up the ggxml files.
  • Every "glyph" node seems to represent a letter.
  • The "CH=" attribute of each glyph node matches up to a letter's ASCII or ANSI value.  This value is the number that computers use internally to match up to a letter.  Here are some examples of these matchups.
  • Basically, I remove the configuration for the lower case letters, and configured them instead to be the same as the uppercase.  For other languages, I didn't do this.  So you might want to experiment with this for special characters.
  • Basically, you can open up the "Character Map" utility that comes with Windows and is in the Start Menu somewhere (probably in Accessories).  Find the character that you want to replace with something else.  Look at its code.  The code in the "Character Map" utility is probably in HEX, so you'll need to convert that to regular decimal (you could use something like this.)  Do this for both the character you want to replace, and to the character you want to replace it with.  Then look for the lines in the ggxml file with those decimal values in their "CH=" attribute, and copy over the rest of the settings in that row.
If you have made some tweaks that you think others might want, and you want me to add it to this blog, I would be glad to.  Just let me know.

UPDATE 2011-10-23:
I don't know if I tried this, but someone claims to have solved this on their PC with "I found that the refresh rate selected in the game was making the fonts unreadable. When I selected a resolution that used a refresh rate that my desktop was using (and that the monitor was supporting), the fonts became readable." on


    Unknown said...

    Workin! BIG thanks to you!

    Unknown said...

    wow thank you :::))))

    Problems with some german letter but i can play :)

    Augwich said...

    Thank you so much for this - it has worked beautifully! I am still going to see about really fixing the problem, but for now this is fabulous. Thank you so much!

    isnogud said...

    Intel 965 video card user here... ;)
    It helped a lot. Thank you very much!
    May all the good things happen to you :)

    Me said...

    Thank you for taking the time to write this up and share. I'm very grateful!

    Unknown said...

    Thanks really works!!!

    ALice Sroka Fillion said...

    Can't believe it, but it works beautifully! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
    No more garbled text!!!!!!!

    Unknown said...

    Thanks so much man. It was the biggest bummer to finally have CIV 5 and...not be able ANYTHING. It was like getting counterfeit Russian (which would be fine if I spoke Russian.

    TDS said...

    Unbelievable dude. You're the shiznit!!!

    Works, 100%. Totally psyched to actually get to play the game without getting a headache.

    Unknown said...

    Thanks for the help! Worked straight away and now I can crack on and conquer all!!

    Daniel said...

    Thanks a ton!

    This works wonders and I think I'm in love with you.

    Anonymous said...

    This is so great! Thanks!

    Anonymous said...

    I can't seem to find the folder with the text on my PC, could I get some help

    Mafu said...

    Anonymous, my first question would be, what folder in the following path does NOT exist on your computer:

    C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\sid meier's civilization v\Assets\UI\Fonts\Tw Cent MT

    Caezar said...

    hi mafu,

    your blog was great!fixed some of the letters. I'm a bit confused about the last tweaking bits, you say to change the "ch=" bits usually from 30-300 or so...but are you saying we need to change the whole lot bit by bit?

    could you upload your finished versions to us?

    Anonymous said...

    The steam apps folder does not exist

    Mafu said...

    Anonymous, ok, I don't know where it is then. try searching for a file named TwCenMT14.ggxml on your computer. If that works, try replaces those with the files in my zip file.

    Mafu said...

    Caezar, my finished version is already posted in my blog as a downloadable zip file. My changes only affect 26 lower-case letters of the alphabet. The instructions at the bottom of my blog was a quick attempt to explain how you could theoretically fix other letters (non-English languages), although I myself have not tried and don't have time to look into that.

    Anonymous said...

    Sadly it seems not to be there, any other thoughts

    Mafu said...

    Do you have a "C:\Program Files (x86)\" folder?

    Anonymous said...

    Thanks! It works

    Anonymous said...

    This Works great. When I first saw the garbled text after just paying $50 for the game, I was ready to snap the disk in half. Cant thank you enough.

    Dolmansaxlil said...

    This worked perfectly. Really easy to do, and fixed the problem. Thank you so much!

    Asger said...

    Thank you so much for posting this, and for explaining it so clearly. It works perfectly.

    Anonymous said...

    THANK YOU IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!

    Martin said...

    It's working!

    Thanks a million for posting this instruction (that even a tech zero as I could follow!) along with those modified files!

    Now let us all wait for monday's patch, and hope that it'll sort out the rest of the problems!

    Danny said...

    You are a genuis! Thank you so much I have spent about an hour looking through the forums and was about to give up till I came across you.

    Thank you again!

    Anonymous said...


    Anonymous said...

    It worked, I love you.

    Anonymous said...

    Thanks man this works for some of the language, but any interaction with other people or with selection of what to build is pretty much non-existent. There are some characters laced in between huge amounts of space. This usual?

    Mafu said...

    Hey Anonymous (of Nov 6th),

    I haven't experienced that...

    Do you use in the English language or some other language?

    Kid Bengala said...

    It works! Thanks!

    Anonymous said...

    Thanks! Works fine for intel G35 chipset family

    theREd said...

    Amazing man, I would say I almost prefer your little tweak compared to whatever the original text is supposed to look like.

    Dude said...

    yo there is no "fonts" folder o.o

    Anonymous said...

    I Love You Man

    Teresa said...

    Great work around, Mafu! This should be posted on Civilization V's website! It would have saved me a lot of time searching. ;-) THANKS!

    Anonymous said...

    Ur the EFFIN MAN mafu :0

    Andrew said...

    damn. this workaround isnt working for me...

    neither this or the original workaround seem to change my fonts - how would that be possible?

    Andrew said...

    anyone else finding the workaround now working for them?

    I*.I). said...

    Love u buddy:)
    Thanks a's working:)

    Mafu said...

    Andrew, if you do a Windows Search on your computer for those files, do you find them anywhere else?

    bob said...

    im not good with computers, so you lost me in ur explanation. i get mostly what you did but i dont even know where to start. im sure if i knew it wouldnt be hard from there

    Mafu said...

    "Dude", do you have a "C:\Program Files (x86)\" folder?

    Mafu said...

    Bob, it's hard to give a better explanation because everyone's computer setup is a little different. I created a video that might help. I added this link to the blog posting:

    Anonymous said...

    Great! Now it is working! Thanks

    How they release a game in that condition... Too much searches and time lost to make the game playable

    Mafu said...

    As a software developer myself, I can relate to how hard it is to release bug-free software by a deadline.

    Anonymous said...

    You along with Cockedandloaded are AMAZING!!! I was freaking out that I wasn't going to be able to play at all; now I can actually read the text!!!!! Thank You So Much!!!!

    Anonymous said...

    Many Thanks.

    Anonymous said...

    The fix worked great. Thanks for all the help. My laptop is not not nearly powerful enough to really run Civ 5 right so I guess it is time for a new laptop. Come to think of it, I bought this laptop to be able to play Civ 4.....

    Mafu said...

    For me, if I stick to the "strategic" view, the performance is great and I rarely need to switch out of that view. It took a little while to get used to it though...

    Anonymous said...

    Thank you for being the man.

    Followed the instructions exactly and it worked perfectly. Now I can suplement my desktop gaming with some laptop action on my commute.

    Rock on

    Scott H said...

    You've heard it a hundred times, but Thank You!

    Anonymous said...

    I love you man. Seriously.

    I've spent days installing, reinstalling, tweaking setups and compatibilities... and this worked like a charm!

    Unknown said...

    Thank you so much.

    Moe said...

    Hey dude this is GREAT! But I'm having a problem. Whenever I copy down the 14 file in the first half of the work around, it wont let me copy the exact name of it. So what am I supposed to do? If I try to play it with the file having a name with (1), (2), etc in it it just wont work and an error message will come up. Can you help me out man?

    Mr Elliott said...

    thanks mate. you made my day!

    Levi said...

    I really appreciate the fix you posted, but the thing is: I'm running this on a Mac. All of the files are different.

    I was able to find a Fonts folder, but inside it there's only a file called marlett.ttf. There are no ggxml files. The first half of it is unintelligible; the second half is copyright information and other generic statements about

    Also, I should probably mention that when I do struggle through the menus and start an actual game, there's another issue. You can't see anything except the menus, the icons indicating where your units are, and the HUD. The main screen that's supposed to display the map and units is completely black.

    If you know anything about how to do this for a Mac, that would be awesome. If not, I understand; thanks for looking at this.

    Mafu said...

    Sorry Levi, I don't know a thing about Macs, nor about how Civ 5 works on them... Maybe you've tried, but try the forums (,,

    Anonymous said...

    Sounds like a really great fix tbh but let's say that some of us don't have the folders your refering to in the Steam Section of Program Files because we didn't purchase it through steam. How can we fix this issue? I'm Running Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit and when I go into my Steam in Program Files there is no common folder in there and consiquently there are no subfolders so no where to drop the Text Files you've graciously given me. Any help would be appreciated.

    Mafu said...

    I don't know where it is installed on your computer. Try opening the "RUN" dialog, type cmd, press enter, and type:
    dir /on /b /s Fonts
    and looks thru the results to see if that helps you any.

    Steph said...

    It worked perfectly. Although i do not have Steam installed in my pc, the font folder was inside the game folder itself.

    All the video settings are as low as they can get and it still incredibly slow, compared to other games or mmorpgs.

    Anyways a new laptop is on its way so i'll just sit back and enjoy.

    Thanks again.

    Anonymous said...

    Brilliant and easy to do. Thank you so much. Looking forward to playing this after a 10 year + break.

    Anonymous said...

    Easy to do and works like a charm. Thanks a lot.

    Anonymous said...

    BIG love! Almost wasted £30

    Anonymous said...

    Thanks a lot !

    Anonymous said...

    Thanks you!!!!
    Work fine

    Anonymous said...

    ahh thank you, thank you, thank you!! it's working now!! you're the best! :)

    Anonymous said...

    Thanks for this. Seems a common problem, though, wonder why Firaxis haven't patched it.

    C.O. Villanueva said...

    Great work! Now wish you could fix GTA for me. :-)

    SaintLeaf said...

    I don't have that folder.
    The SteamApps folder is the final thing I have, from there I cant go on.

    Mafu said...

    I don't know where it is installed on your computer. Try opening the "RUN" dialog, type cmd, press enter, and type:
    dir /on /b /s Fonts
    and looks thru the results to see if that helps you any.

    SaintLeaf said...

    I found the solution myself by looking through the game Folders.
    You can paste the font files to:
    C:\Program Files\Sid Meier's Civilization V\assets\UI\Fonts\Tw Cent MT

    Brian said...

    Game pro's tech support said I was screwed, but this fix worked perfectly. Great work.

    Anonymous said...

    Hey man this workesd and I thank you for it. Ironically I thought the problem initially was I had pirated the software and thought it was somehow corrupted. I bought the game and bam problem still there.

    So I, and Sid Meier, thank you.

    Smithcotx said...

    Thanks for this. Seems a common problem, though, wonder why Firaxis haven't patched it.

    Anonymous said...

    Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.

    Anonymous said...

    Thank you very much. Your solution works like a charm on my 2007 MacBook with an Intel GMA X3100.

    Anonymous said...

    Works like a charm! Finally I can play CIV 5 BNW! Thanks a lot!

    Miguel said...

    I am affected by this on Steam, playing on Linux.
    Here's what I found: playing in Steam offline mode completely solves the problem!

    Would be interesting to know if other people find similar results in offline mode.

    Jefferson said...

    I'm running Civ5 on an old macbook. Any idea if your fix would work on my end somehow? Or maybe its just the same and Ill need to hunt dont the folder locations?

    Mafu said...

    I've never used a macbook, and don't have any idea if this would help.

    Unknown said...

    hey mafu my civ 5 is not steam and i tried to look on all disk drivers but nothing appeared up(bc i dont use the steam for it)and even tho i unziped the files nothing changed,same weird letters

    Mafu said...

    I don't know where it is installed on your computer. Try opening the "RUN" dialog, type cmd, press enter, and type:
    dir /on /b /s Fonts
    and looks thru the results to see if that helps you any.

    Sedar said...

    I have IMac (mid-2014) with Intel HD 5000.

    It's working!

    Thank you very much :-)